21 x 508 traptreden

Timothy Price
from €508 (171%)

Doneer voor de fysieke én mentale uitdaging die de kinderen van het Prinses Máxima Centrum moeten doorstaan.
Voor dit goede doel rende ik 21 keer de 508 traptreden van de Wilhelminaberg in Landgraaf op, tijdens de (halve) Trappenmarathon op 7 oktober 2023.


Donate for the physical as well as the mental challenges faced by the children at the Prinses Máxima Centre.
For this good cause, I ran 21 times up the 508 steps of the Wilhelminaberg in Landgraaf, during the (half) Stair Marathon on 7 October 2023.

Raised €250

Raised €500

Raised €1,000

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Received 10 donations

Received 25 donations

Received 50 donations

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€10 09-10-2023 | 08:22
€10 08-10-2023 | 12:16
€10 07-10-2023 | 21:22
€15 07-10-2023 | 17:55
€20 07-10-2023 | 10:33